Ellie is the newest member bringing joy to our family. She is a mini-schnauzer/westie cross. Right now she weighs about 5 lbs. She is 7 weeks old, and tons of fun! The kids really miss Molly. Rainbow loves that she now has a playmate, and Merlin is okay with her too. Isaac said, "Mommy, that is the bestest surprise ever." Mya said, "ohhhh, Daddy. Thank you so much for letting us get a little puppy!"
Daddy's idea of funny!See they do like each other! Cute babies!
These are from just before Christmas! Grandma and Papa Huckins got us a new sled for xmas, so we can't wait to try that out! The kids love that we have our driveway plowed because now they have "lot of big hills to play on!"
I'm going to again attempt to keep up a blog. It will be a great place to update our family and friends of our doings, and whereabouts, but also a great archive of our family life. So bear with me.
Where do I start.....Let's see, I'm 31 y/o momma, to three great kids. Mya, Isaac, and Lydia are really the light of my life. I have been married to my dear husband, Ryan for 6 years now! Without him, I wouldn't have the joy in my life that I've been blessed with. He is a wonderful father! We live in a small town in Michigan, close to where we were born and raised. Our children have a big yard to run and play in putting big SMILES on their faces.