We had a wonderful family day. We had a picnic at the park, and the kids played. They LOVE to swing. The other day, I took the kids alone, and Mya and Isaac kept asking me to "go under." For the life of me, I couldn't figure out what she was talking about. Well, when daddy goes this is what he does..He gives UNDERDOGS!!!!!! They also love the tire swing. Funny from the park, I had climbed up the stairs to show Lydia where to go down the slide. I stayed up there for a little while, and Isaac asked, "How did you get up there, momma?" I chuckled, and said "like Spider woman." A few minutes later, or course with people all around, Isaac says, "Can you climb on your belly too, momma?" I almost died. Ryan has been laughing about that since! Just picture it in your mind!
After the park, we heard the football game at Alma college in the distance, so we went and watched for awhile. Isaac did not want to leave. So we promised him that we would take him to a Friday night football game soon.
Mya will be starting preschool on the 16th of September. She will go on Tues and Thurs from 7:55 a-3 p. We have been trying to find something for Isaac to get involved in so that he doesn't feel left out. In the mean time, Mya was signed up for soccer, but Isaac was too young. Well, poor communication led to us searching for something that they both can get involved in. Low and behold, we found a gymnastics/dance studio in Alma. When given the choice she chose dance, of course! So we will be going next week to check out the studio, and sign up!
Just a few cute pics!

YAY! I can't wait to keep an eye on you guys!
I can't believe how the kids are growing. It's fun to see their pictures regularly and hear about the cute things they say.
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